Thank you for putting a link to this tutorial, whenever you display your realization of that tag on a website, on a group or in a mail !
To make that tag, you'll need the plugins Artistic, Fm Tools
and the material zip down below :
- The tubes, brush and picture have been found on the net, if they are your property, let me know I will take them off or put a link to your site.
Open your Psp, open the tubes, and the picture, duplicate them, close the originals and minimize the copies for now. Place the brush in your brushes folder.
Now, we're ready to start !
1- Open a new transparent image of 700 x 600 pixels
Select all
2- Open the "fractal image 23", copy it and paste it into the selection
Select none
3-Effects / plug ins / Artistic / cut out / 4, 4, 2
4-Effects / plug ins /Fm Tools / Blend emboss default
5-Open the tube "FBR_whatsup", copy it and paste it as a new layer
Image / resize at 75 % ( "resize all layers" not checked )
Adjust / sharpness / sharpen
Place the tube as shown on my tag
6-Effects / 3D effects/ drop shadow / 4, 4, 50, 20, black
7-Open the tube "fil", copy it and paste it as a new layer
8-Effects / Image effects / offset as below :
9- Effects /distortion effects / curlicues as follow :
10- Effects / plugins /Fm Tools / Blend emboss default
Layers / merge visible
11-Open the tube "diapos cinema", copy it and paste as a new layer
Image / resize at 75%
12-Effects /image effects / offset as shown on line 8 but with -120 horizontal and - 140 vertical (watch out, the numbers are negative !)
13-Open the image "caravan" or a picture of your choice and select the rectangular selection tool, draw on a part of your picture that you like, a rectangle slightly bigger than the slide
14-Copy your selection and paste it as a new layer on your tag
15-Image / free rotate / 10 °, right
16-Place the picture in the middle of the left hand side slide
17-With your magic wand, set as shown below, select the inner part of the left hand side slide (to select the two parts of the inside of the slide, keep the shift key pressed)
![](capt bag.jpeg)
18- Selections /invert
Hit delete to suppress the part of your picture which is outside the selection
Select none
19- Repeat the steps 13, 14,16, 17 et 18 with another selection of the picture caravan and with the middle slide
Don't do the step 15 because that slide doesn't need to rotate
20- Repeat the steps 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 with a third selection of your picture caravan and with the right hand side slide
At step 15, rotate 15 °, left
21-Layers / merge all
22- Add a new layer
Set your foreground with the colour f6e3da and select the pen tool set as follow (size 3 or 4) :
Draw 4 vertical lines as shown below and keep the shift key pressed while you're drawing (that will make your vertical lines straight !)
23- Lower the opacity of that layer with vertical lines to 60
24- Add a new layer
Foreground colour : f6e3da / background closed
With your text tool , write the letter M en capital letters (size approx 80, thickness 2) with a classical font of your choice
25- Effects / 3D effects/ drop shadow / 1, 1, 100, 1 (or 2), black
Place your letter M, underneath the first vertical line on your left
26- Repeat the steps 24 and 25 with the other letters
27- Add a new layer
Select your paint brush, choose the brush Tomorrow (size 233) or another brush of your choice
Apply the brush on the top of the tag as shown here
Effects / 3D effects/ drop shadow / 1, 1, 100, 1 (or 2), black
28- Add a new layer, apply your signature
29- Image / add new symmetrical borders of 2 pixels with the colour 471707 Image / add new symmetrical borders of 2 pixels with the colour 963d1b
30- Save as a jpeg file
That's it !! If you 've enjoyed doing my tutorial, it would be nice to write a few words in my guest book ! If you 've had the slightest problem, please, send me a mail so I can see to the problem !
Translation done on the 15th of august 2008
Thank you Sherri for that stunning version
You can see all the versions that are on the French tutorial page here