Thank you for putting a link to this tutorial, whenever you display your realization of that tag on a website, on a group or in a mail !


You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE


To realize that tag, you'll need the plugins :

- Dsb flux,

- Graphic plus

and the material zip down below :


*It is forbidden to suppress watermarks on the material provided , to alter, mist or rename the tubes in order to respect the work of the tubers

- The tube of the girl is by JHanna

You can join in her sharing group here

- The cloud mask 292 is by Vix

You can find Vix's masks here

- The mask Hairface is by Denise Worisch

- The tube of the tree is by Gini

- The brush Elegants_Swirls_and_Flowers5 is by Coby 17

The other elements have been found on the net



Duplicate your tubes, close the originals and minimize the copies for now. Put your masks in your mask file. Export your brush in psp as a custom brush

Now, we're ready to start !


Click here to print the tutorial


You can use my arrow to follow your work


1- Open a new transparent image of 800 by 650 pixels

2- Prepare a sunburnt gradient in your foreground, angle 0, do not check Invert , with two colours out of your main tube

My choice :

Foreground : Light colour fdd8d3

Back ground : Dark colour 94554d

3- Flood fill your transparent image with that gradient

4- Add a new raster layer and flood fill it with your light colour

5- Effects / plugins / Dsb flux / Bright noise / 31, check Mix

6- Layers /load mask from Disk / choose the mask Hairface5d Worisch

Merge group

7- Activate the merged layer in your palette layers 

Double click on that layer ( where the yellow hand is)

Set the window which will appear as below

If you don't want to have a white shadow around your layer , you may pick another colour with the dropper tool !

8- Set the mode of that layer to Difference

9- Layers / duplicate

Image / mirror and Image / flip

10- Set the mode of that layer to Multiply

* You may have to choose other modes if you use other colours 

11- Add a new raster layer and flood fill it with another light colour out of your tube; I have chosen the colour f8f4eb

12- Layers / load a mask from Disk / choose the mask Vix_Mask292 / same settings as on point 6

Merge group

13- Set the mode of that layer to Overlay

Move that layer down to the bottom left part of your tag  

14- Layers / duplicate

Image / mirror

Move the layer to the bottom hand right part of your tag  

15- Add a new raster layer and set your foreground with a colour which goes with your tag

I have chosen the colour a3c3c9

16- With your brush tool , set as below, apply, two or three times, the brush Elegants_Swirls_and_Flowers 5, in the top half of your tag

17- Set the mode of that layer (the one with small flowers ) to hard light

18- Open the tube SnowystormyScene by Gini, copy it and paste it as a new layer

Place the tube as shown on my tag

Set the mode of that layer to hard light and lower the opacity to 52

19- Open the tube JHanna 143 Nicoletta, copy it and paste it as a new layer

Place it as shown on my tag

20- Copy, one by one, the three tubes of sweets and place them to your liking as new layers on your tag

21- Layers / merge down / three times so that the tubes of the sweets and of the girl are on the same layer

22- Effects /3d effets / drop shadow / 4, 4, 50, 20, black

23- Make sure everything is at the right place

Image / add some symmetrical borders of 1 pixel with a light colour ( for me : f8f4eb)

24- Layers / Promote background layer ( your background layer will be converted to a raster layer )

Image / resize at 90 % / resize all the layers not checked !!!

25- Add a new raster layer

Layers / arrange / move down

26- Flood fill that layer with a dark colour : 1f3334

27- Add a new raster layer

and flood fill it with a lighter colour : 5d878c

28- Effects / plugins / Graphic plus / cross shadow  default

29- Layers / load a mask from Disk / choose the mask Hairface5d Worisch , same settings as on line 6

Merge group

30- Layers / duplicate

Layers / merge down

31- Activate the top layer ( the one where your tag is )

In the palette layers , double click on that layer and repeat what you did on line 7 but choose a very dark colour instead of the white

32- Add a new raster layer and write a text of your own

You can use the enclosed text tube or write your text with the enclosed fonts

  ( Crying Time, size 80 for the first letter and KP Duty Overtime, size 48 for the rest )

33- Add a new raster layer and apply your signature

34- Image / add some symmetrical borders of 1 pixel with a light colour ( for me : f8f4eb)

35- Save your work as a jpeg file


That's it !! You've done it !!

If you 've enjoyed doing my tutorial, it would be nice to write a few words in my guest book !

If you 've had the slightest problem, please, send me a mail so I can see to the problem !

Tutorial translated on the 6th of April 2009


You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE