Thank you for putting a link to this tutorial, whenever you display your realization of that tag on a website, on a group or in a mail !
You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE
To realize that tag, you'll need the plugins :
- Mura's Meister / Clouds & Copies
- IC Net software / Filters Unlimited 2.0
- Cybia / Screenworks
and the material zip down below :
*It is forbidden to suppress watermarks on the material provided , to alter, mist or rename the tubes in order to respect the work of the tubers
- The tube of the trunk with the flowers is by Kikirou
( Kikirou doesn't share tubes any more )
- The tube of the woman is by Guismo
You'll be able to find her tubes on Dakara' s site here
and you can join in her sharing group here
The tube of the curtains is by MMDesign
you can join in her sharing group Here
- The masks that I have used to create some light are by Narah
- The mask of the floor is by Vero
You'll find her nice site here
The other elements that I haven't created, have been found on the net.
- To be on the safe side, duplicate your tube and image in your Psp :
Window / Duplicate
- Close the originals and work with the copies !
- Place the two masks "2020.msk" and "Exkizz_Mask_Daphne1.pspimage" in the mask folder of your Psp files. The other two masks by Narah will be opened in your Psp.
Click here to print the tutorial
You can use my arrow to follow your work
Click on it and drag it all along the tutorial !
Tutorial realized with PSP XIII
Step 1 : The background of the tag
1 - Open a new transparent image of 850 by 700 pixels.
2 - Set your Material palette with two colours out of your main tube, as below :
My choice : Foreground : Light colour dbcba9
- Background : Dark colour 85502e
3 - Effects / Plugins / Mura's Meister / Clouds as below :
You may click several times on the Reset colors button to obtain a cloudy sky to your liking !
4- Layers / Duplicate
5- Effects / Plugins / IC Net software / Filters Unlimited 2.0 / Color Filters / Blue sky / 130, 128
6- On that layer ( Copy of Raster 1) :
- Layers / Load a mask from Disk / Choose the mask "Exkizz_Mask_Daphne1.pspimage" and set as below :
- Layers / Merge group.
7- Effects / 3d effects / Drop shadow as below :
8- Here is what I did to get the colours that suited me ( It will be up to you to find the modes and opacities that give the nicest effects with your colours and tubes )
- I have duplicated my layer 2 ( Group - copy of Raster 1)
Step 2 : The lights
- Flood fill that new raster layer with your light foreground colour ( left click)
2- Layers / New mask layer / From image / Choose the mask "Narah_mask_Abstract61.jpg" and set as below :
- Adjust / sharpness / Sharpen more.
- Layers / Merge group.
3- Layers / Load a mask from Disk / Choose the mask "2020dmk"and set as below:
- Uncheck Invert the transparence !!!!
- Layers / Merge group.
4- Effects / Image effects / Offset as below :
5- Set the mode of that layer on to Dodge , opacity at 70 ( you may have to choose another opacity ! )
- It is really up to you to decide which mode and opacity suit you !
- Flood fill that new raster layer with your light foreground colour ( left click)
7- Layers / New mask layer / From image / Choose the mask "Narah_mask_Abstract59.jpg" and set as below :
- Layers / Merge group.
8- Effects / Image effects / Offset as below :
9- Set the mode of that layer on to Dodge , opacity at 80 ( you may have to choose another opacity ! )
- It is really up to you to decide which mode and opacity suit you !
Step 3 : The tubes mask and flowers
1- Open the tube "Mask_pieces.pspimage" or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
2- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
3- Place it at the top of your tag like me.
4- I have set the mode of that layer on to Dodge , opacity 40.
- It is up to you to decide which mode and opacity suit you !
5- Open the tube "kikirou1719 - still life.pspimage" or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
6- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
I have resized the tube at 50% ( Resize all the layers NOT checked !)
Place the tube as on my tag or to your liking.
7- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / 4, 4, 40, 40, black for me.
Step 4 : The curtain
1- Open the tube "MMDesignz_Si168179.pspimage ( raster 1)"or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
2- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
I did : Image / mirror
3- For the tube I have used : Effects / Image effects / Offset as below :
4- The tube I have chosen being very light, here is what I did to obtain a dark colour in the right shade :
- Adjust / Hue and saturation / Colorize : 237, 255
- Adjust / Traitement optimal des photos comme suit :
( If your Psp doesn't have that possibility, you can do this instead : Adjust / Brightness and contrast / Brightness and contrast / - 20 / 0 ) Your final result will be approaching.
For everybody : - Adjust / Brightness and contrast / Brightness and contrast / - 173 / - 17 (negative numbers !)
- Adjust / Hue and saturation / Colorize : 255, 195.
It will be up to you to play with the figures of the colorization and Brightness and Contrast to get the colour your wish !
5- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / 4, 4, 40, 40, black for me.
Step 5 : The main tube
1- Open the tube "calguis1veninse23110.pspimage"or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
2- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- I have resized the tube at 90% ( Resize all the layers NOT checked !)
- Place the tube against the right and bottom sides of the tag.
3- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / 4, 4, 60, 20, black for me.
Final step
1- Apply your signature on your tag.
- Make sure everything is at its place.
2 - Image / add some symmetrical borders of 2 pixels with a dark colour.
My choice :
3- Layers / Duplicate
4- On the top layer :
- Image / resize at 90% ( Resize all the layers NOT checked !)
- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow / 1, 1, 100, 5, black. and - 1, -1, 100, 5, black
5- On the bottom layer :
- Adjust / Blur / Gaussian blur / 30
- Effects / Plugins / Cybia / Screenworks / Dot Screen as below :
6- Activate your top layer :
- Open the tube ' deco.pspimage" or a similar tube, in your Psp and copy it.
7- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
Place it as below :
8- Effects / Mura's Meister / Copies as below :
9- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / My choice, with the same colour as the border
10- Image / add some symmetrical borders of 2 pixels with the same colour as on step 2.
11 - Save your work as a jpeg file and resize it if necessary .
That's it !! You've done it !!
If you 've enjoyed doing my tutorial, it would be nice to write a few words in my guest book ! If you 've had the slightest problem, please, send me a mail so I can see to the problem
Tutorial translated on the 4th of February 2012
You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE