Thank you for putting a link to this tutorial, whenever you display your realization of that tag on a website, on a group or in a mail !
You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE
To realize that tag, you'll need the plugins :
- Universe / Nebula
- Filters Unlimited 2.0
- Graphic plus / Cross shadow
- Mura's Meister / Copies
and the material zip down below :
*It is forbidden to suppress watermarks on the material provided , to alter, mist or rename the tubes in order to respect the work of the tubers
- The main tube is by Alas. Thank you Alas.
- The tube of the scenery is by Guismo
You will find some of her tubes on Dakara's site here or on her sharing group here
The other elements that I haven't created, have been found on the net.
- To be on the safe side, duplicate your tube and image in your Psp :
Window / Duplicate
- Close the originals and work with the copies !
- Leave the preset "kenza_fairymist.f1s" in your material zip and double click on it so that it gets installed into your Alien skin filter / perspecive shadow.
Click here to print the tutorial
You can use my arrow to follow your work
Click on it and drag it all along the tutorial !
Tutorial realized with PSP XIII
Step 1 : The background of the tag
1 - Open a new transparent image of 850 by 700 pixels.
2 - With your flood fill tool, flood fill your transparent layer with black.
3 - Effects / Plugins / Universe / Nebula as below :
- if you want to use your own material, you can use two colours out of your main tube instead of my colours.
- If the filter Universe doesn't work properly, you may use my layer "Fond1" that is included in the zip !
4- Effects / Image effects / Seamless tiling default :
5- Open the image "Fond2_kenza_fairymist.jpeg" or a background of your own ( See my "Note" further below ) and COPY THAT BACKGROUND.
6- Go back on your tag :
ADD A NEW RASTER LAYER and select all.
7- Paste into your selection.
- Select none .
"Note" : My background has been made from an image whose colours matched my small castle image ; I have applied a gaussian blur 30 on it.
8- I have lowered the opacity of that layer to 70.
9- Open the tube "calguiswintermist05022012_modifie.pspimage" or a tube of your choice ( use a big size tube), and copy it.
10- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
11- I have set the mode of that layer on to Hard light and lowered its opacity to 60.
Step 2 : The story book
1- Open the tube "Old Book_FBR 1-17-06 576 KB.pspimage" or a similar tube of your choice and copy it.
2- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
3- I have placed my book this way :
- Effects / Image effects / Offset as below :
4- Open the image "Chateau.jpg" or an image of your choice (a vertical one ) and copy it.
* If you use your own image, you may add a new layer on my image / select all / Paste your image inte the selection / Deselect / Merge all / Your image will then have the right size !
5- If the layer of that image appears as a background in your layer palette, double click on the layer where the image is to promote it into a raster layer.
6- Effects / Plugins / Filters Unlimited 2.0 / Edges Squares / Edge square 04
7- Copy your image.
8- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- Place it as on my tag.
9- Effects / 3d effects / Drop shadow / 1, 1, 70, 1, black.
10- Layers / Merge down.
11- Open the tube " texte1_kenza_fairymist.pspimage"or a similar tube of your choice and copy it.
12- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- Place the text on the right hand side page of the book.
- Layers / Merge down.
13- Open the tube " texte2_kenza_fairymist.pspimage"or a similar tube of your choice and copy it.
14- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
Place the text on the left hand side page of the book, underneath the image.
- Layers / Merge down.
All the parts of the book are now on the same layer ( book, image and texts).
15- Effects / Plugins / Alien skin eye candy 5 / Perspective shadow / Click on the preset as shown below :
Step 3 : The deer and the little girl
1- Open the tube "Alas_w_0999_deer.psp" or a tube of your choice and copy it
2- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- Place as on my tag or to your liking.
3- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / 4, 4, 60, 20, black, for me.
4- Effects / Plugins / Alien skin eye candy 5 / Perspective shadow as on point 15 of step 2.
- You may modify that shadow to your liking by moving the small squares as shown below :
Step 4 : The flowers
1- Open the tube "Fleurs_1_kenza_fairymist.pspimage"or a tube of your choice and copy it
2- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- Place it as the bottom of the tag, like me.
I have lowered the opacity of that layer to 80.
3- Layers / Duplicate.
- Move that tube slightly towards the left or the right.
I have set the mode of that layer on to Dodge and lowered its opacity at 45.
It is up to you to see which modes and opacities suit you better .
- You may use brushes of your choice instead of my flower tubes.
4- Apply your signature
Step 5 : The borders
- Make sure everything is at the right place .
1- Image / add some symmetrical borders of 2 pixels with a colour of your choice :
98b3c6 for me.
2- Layers / Duplicate.
3- On your top layer :
- Image / resize at 90% ( Resize all the layers NOT checked !)
- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow / 0, 0, 60, 20, black.
5- On the bottom layer :
- Adjust / Blur / Gaussian blur / 30
6- Effects / Plugins / Graphic plus / Cross shadow as below :
7- Activate your top layer.
Open the tube "Fleurs_2_kenza_fairymist.pspimage" or a tube of your choice and copy it.
8- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
Place it in the top left hand side corner of your tag, as below :
9- Effects / Plugins / Mura's meister / Copies as below :
The effect you will get will never be the same, so you may have to do it several times to get a result you like !
10- Activate your erase tool, set as below and delete most of the flowers ( especailly the ones that are on the book and on the girl. I have, in fact, kept only a few flowers !
- I have then lowered the opacity of that layer to 60.
- The layer where all my flowers are ( Fleurs_3_kenza_fairymist.pspimage) is included in my the zip material.
- You may play on the mode and the opacity of that layer to your liking.
11- Optionnal : Open the tube "stars.pspimage" or a tube of your choice and copy it.
12- ¨Paste it as a new layer and place it as on my tag or to your liking.
13- Image / add some symmetrical borders of 2 pixels with a colour of your choice :
98b3c6 for me.
14 - Save your work as a jpeg file and resize it if necessary .
That's it !! You've done it !!
If you 've enjoyed doing my tutorial, it would be nice to write a few words in my guest book ! If you 've had the slightest problem, please, send me a mail so I can see to the problem
Tutorial translated on the 10th of March 2012
You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE