Thank you for putting a link to this tutorial, whenever you display your realization of that tag on a website, on a group or in a mail !
You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE
To make that tag, you'll need the filter :
- VDL Adrenaline / Snowflakes
and the material zip down below :
*It is forbidden to suppress watermarks on the material provided , to alter, mist or rename the tubes in order to respect the work of the tubers
- The tube of the children is by Jhanna
You can join her sharing group here
- The brush "snowtime" is by Crazy alice.
- The other elements that I haven't created, have been found on the net.
To be on the safe side, duplicate your tubes and image in your Psp :
Window / Duplicate
- Close the originals and work with the copies !
- Place all the brushes in the brush folder of your Psp files.
- Open the fonts outside your Psp if you have Windows Xp or place them in the Font folder of Windows or TFT if you have Win7 or Win8.
Click here to print the tutorial
You can use my arrow to follow your work
Click on it and drag it all along the tutorial !
Tutorial made with PSP XIII
1 - To start, we're going to make a pattern for the background
- Open a new transparent image of 100 by 100 pixels (or other size, see below).
- You may use a transparent image of 300 by 300 pixels (or any other size) if you wish to have more spaced pattern !
2- Set your material palette as below :
- Set your foreground with a colour of your choice and your background with white or other colour of your choice.
- I have chosen this blue 245168 for my foreground.
3- Flood fill your small transparent image with your foreground colour.
5- Activate your brush tool and choose the brush "snowtime2" like me or any other snow flake brush of your choice :
- I have resized my brush at 50 :
6- Apply your brush in the center of your image with your background colour (right click).
7- Edit / Cut.
- Edit / Paste as a new layer (Your snowflake is now precisly in the center of your image.
- You can now delete layer two and remain on layer 3 on top of the pile !
8- Effects / Image effects / Seamless tiling default.
9- In my layers palette, I have lowered the opacity of my snowflakes layer at 70.
10- Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen.
11- Layers / Merge all.
- You pattern is now ready to be used !
12- We're going to display it in the Material palette / tab Patterns.
- I have chosen the scale 50 for this pattern. See which scale you prefer.
13- Open a new transparent image of 950 by 800 pixels.
- Flood fill your new transparent image with your foreground pattern (left click).
14- Set your material palette as below :
- I have set my foreground with a dark green 002402 and kept the white for the background.
- It is up to you to see which colours match your main tube better !
16- Activate your brush tool and choose the brush "Fairymist_ChristmasHappiness_vase" :
- Apply the brush on your new layer with your foreground colour.
- Place as on my tag or to your liking.
- You may use another brush or a tube of your choice instead of my pot.
18- Activate your brush tool and choose the brush "Christmas tree vector" or a brush of your choice:
19- - Apply the brush on your new layer with your background colour (right click).
- Place as on my tag or to your liking.
- You may use another christmas tree tube of your choice instead of my tree.
20- I have applied a drop shadow on both pot and tree as follows : 2, 2, 60, 2, black.
- Flood fill that layer in white.
22- Open the mask "Fairymist_ChristmasHappiness_mask_snow" in your Psp and minimize it.
23- Layers / new mask layer / from image :
- Layers / Merge group.
- Here is what I get on my layers palette, at this stage :
24 - Open the image "Fairymist_ChristmasHappiness_stripes" in your Psp and copy it.
25- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
26- I have place that decorative band as below :
- Effects / Image effects / Offset :
- You may choose another element of decoration or colorize the stripes !
27- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow as follows : - 6, 0, 80, 20, white.
28- Open the tube "guirlande" or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
29 - Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
30- I have place that decorative band as below :
- Effects / Image effects / Offset :
- Colorise this tube if necessary.
31- Open the tube "stars"or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
32 - Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- It is at the right place.
33- Open the tube "JHanna_724-a"or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
34 - Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- I have resized that tube at 75% (Resize all the layers NOT checked).
- Place as on my tag.
35- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / 2, 2, 40, 10, black for me.
36- Open the tube "Tree star"or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.
37 - Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.
- Place it at the top of the tree.
38- Set your Material palette with two colours matching your main tube.
- My choice: - Foreground : I have kept the same green : 002402
- Background : red e 680719
- I have closed my foreground !
39- Activate your text tool and choose a font that has christmas decorations like mine.
- I have chosen the font "Christmas shapes" and set the size at 64 pixels :
40- Write down the letter of your choice that will correspond to a decoration of your choice and apply your choice.
- I have chosen, one by one, the letters (small letters) : q, f, g, h, w.
41- I have applied a drop shadow on each element of decoration as below :
- Then, you can swap colours and write down a few items with your other colour
- I you wish you may use tubes instead of the "dingbats" !
42 - Place all the decorations on your Christmas tree.
- When you are satisfied with all these decorations :
- Layers / Merge down as many times as necessary to get all the decorations on the same layer.
43- Set your Material palette like me :
44- Activate your text tool to write down your text
- I have written the word "Happiness" with the font Snowdrift, size 50.
45- I have put the same drop shadow on that word as on point 41.
46- To write down the second word "Christmas", I have used the font TK Doodle.
- In my Material palette, I have set my background in white and closed my foreground.
47- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow : 1, 1, 60, 1, black.
- Place your text to your liking.
48- Apply your signature
- Make sure everything is at the right place.
- Layers / Merge all.
- Copy your tag (Edit / copy).
49 - Image / add some symmetrical borders of 2 pixels with a colour of your choice:
680719 for me.
50- Layers / Promote background layer.
51- Image / Canvas size :
- Selections / select all.
53- Paste into the selection, the copy that you have just made.
- Selections / select none.
54- Layers / arrange / Move down.
55- Adjust / Blur / Gaussian blur at 30.
56- Apply an effect of your choice on your background. Here is my choice:
- Effects / plugins / VDL Adrenaline / Snowflakes as below :
57- Activate the layer on top of the pile:
- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / - 2, - 2, 60, 2, white then 2, 2, 60, 2, white, for me.
58 - Image / add some symmetrical borders of 1 pixel with a colour of your choice:
680719 for me.
59 - Save your work as a jpeg file.
That's it !! You've done it !!
If you 've enjoyed doing my tutorial, it would be nice to write a few words in my guest book !
If you 've had the slightest problem, please, send me a mail so I can see to the problem
Tutorial translated on the 12th of december 2014
You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE