Thank you for putting a link to this tutorial, whenever you display your realization of that tag on a website, on a group or in a mail !


You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery here


To make that tag, you'll need  the plugins :

- VDL Adrenaline / Snowflakes.

- Murameister / Copies.

- FM tile tools.

and the material zip down below :


*It is forbidden to suppress watermarks on the material provided , to alter, mist or rename the tubes in order to respect the work of the tubers

- The tube of the snowmen is by CherSwitz.

- The mask I have used is by Narah.

- The other elements that I haven't created, have been found on the net.



To be on the safe side, duplicate your tubes and image in your Psp :
- Window / Duplicate
- Close the originals and work with the copies !

- Open the font outside your Psp if you have Windows Xp or place it in the Font folder of Windows if you have Win7.


Click here to print the tutorial


You can use my arrow to follow your work
Click on it and drag it all along the tutorial !



Tutorial made with PSP XIII


1 - Open a transparent image of 850 by 700 pixels.

2 - Set your Material palette as below :

- My choice : Foreground : dark colour : 405382 for me.

Background : White

3 - Flood fill your transparent image with your foreground colour.


5- Selections / select all.

6- Open the image "Paysage_neige" or a scenery image of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.

7- Paste it INTO THE SELECTION on your new layer.

- Deselect all.

- I have set the mode of that layer on to Multiply.


9- Flood fill that layer with your background colour (white for me).

10- Open the mask "Narah_mask_Abstract110" in your Psp and minimize it.

11- On your tag : Layers / New mask layer / from image / choose the Narah mask and set it as below :

- Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen more.

- Merge group.

- I have set the mode of that layer on to Dodge and lowered its opacity at 70.


13- Effects / Plugins / VDL Adrenaline / Snowflakes as below :

14- Open the tube "Nuage" in your Psp and copy it.

15- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.

16- I have placed the cloud tube that way :

- Effects / Image effects / offset as below :

- I have lowered the opacity of that layer to 40.

17- Open the tube "Sol neigeux" in your Psp and copy it.

18- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.

19- I have placed the tube that way :

- Effects / Image effects / offset as below :

20- Open your main tube (the snowmen for me) and copy it.

21- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.

- Place it on the left hand side of your tag, like me.

22- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / - 4, 4, 50, 20, black for me.

23- Image / add some symmetrical borders of 10 pixels with a colour that isn't along the borders of your tag.

- I have chosen green.

24- Layers / Promote background layer to a raster layer.

25- Image / Canvas size as shown below :


27- Layers / Arrange / Move down.

28- Flood fill that new transparent layer with a dark colour out of your tag.

- I have chosen the blue 323b63.

29- Open the tube "neige"in your Psp and copy it.

30- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag.

(You can't see it as it is hidden by your tag !)

31- Effects / Plugins / Murameister / Copies as below :

- I have set the mode of that layer on to Overlay.

32- Effects / Plugins / FM tile tools / Blend Emboss as below :

33- Activate your top layer (the tag).

34- With your magic wand, set as below, select the 10 pixels frame of your tag (it is green for me).

35- Flood fill that frame in white (on your tag).

36- Selections / Promote selection to a raster layer.

- Deselect all.

37- Effects / Geometric effects / Spherize as below :

38- Layers / Merge all.

39- Activate your clone tool (Letter C) and set it as below :

40- Right click on the snowy ground (to copy it), then left click on the part of the tag that is indicated with arrows down below.

- Repeat step 40, several times !

41- Here is my result :

42- Open the tube "sapin noel" or a tree of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.

43- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag and place it as on my tag.

- My tube has already got a drop shadow.

44- Open the tube "Citation" or a tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.

45- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag and place it as on my tag.

46- Open the tube "boules" or another decorative tube of your choice, in your Psp and copy it.

47- Paste it as a new layer on to your tag and place it as on my tag.

- My tube has already got a drop shadow.

48- Set your Material palette as below with two colours of your choice.

These colours will be used to write down the title "Buon Natale" or a title of your choice.

- My choice : Foreground : green 3f793a

- Background ; red b72d25

49- Activate your text tool set as below :

50- Effects / 3d effects / drop shadow of your choice / 1, 1, 60, 1, black for me.

51- Apply your signature

- Make sure everything is in the right place

52 - Image / add some symmetrical borders of 2 pixels in white.

 - Save your work as a jpeg file.


That's it !! You've done it !!

If you 've enjoyed doing my tutorial, it would be nice to write a few words in my guest book !

If you 've had the slightest problem, please, send me a mail so I can see to the problem

Tutorial translated on the 21st of december 2013


You'll find some versions of that tag in my gallery HERE